Before and after each lab, you will have to back up the configuration of your VMs as well as your switch and router. Make sure to do this or else the next group might overwrite your changes!
Backing Up and Resetting Cisco Switch and Router
To backup the configuration, log into the switch or router and do a “show run” to see the current configuration. Press the spacebar to go through the whole thing. Copy down the entire configuration and paste it into a text file on your computer. Save that someplace you won’t lose it.
Now we can reset the router and switch:
trainswitch# write erase trainswitch# reload
Backing Up and Resetting Juniper Switch and SRX
To backup the configuration, log into the switch or SRX and do a “show configuration” to see the current configuration. Press the spacebar to go through the whole thing. Copy down the entire configuration and paste it into a text file on your computer. Save that someplace you won’t lose it.
Now we can reset the SRX and switch:
root@s-neatrack>request system zeroize
Backing Up and Resetting KVM Hosts
root@richweb-host 10:31:23 > ~ # cd /opt/rwtrainer/kvm_scripts_pristine/