Getting Lab Files

Getting the Proper Virtual Machine Images for Each Lab

For each lab, you will need a set of images and files:
  • KVM Intro: guest.xml, guest.img
  • Static Routing: spoke1.img, spoke1.xml
  • Firewall: pfsense_guest.img, fios.img, fios.xml, google.img, google.xml
  • Firewall OpenBSD: fw-lab.img, fw-lab.xml
  • VOIP: guest.img, guest.xml
The url to each of these files follows the pattern “<filename>” where <filename> is replaced with your desired file.


Getting Images Over the Internet

Note: Anything in this
means that you’ll be typing in the terminal or what you’ll be seeing in the terminal.
To get all the virtual machine images needed, first make sure the server is connected to the internet using the steps above. To grab each file, follow these steps:
root@labsrv1 13:53:31
 > ~ # cd /data/

root@labsrv1 13:53:36
 > /data # wget <url_of_file>
Do this wget statement for each required file.